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For decades, Nancy has captured testimonials, tutorials and truths, producing a wide range
of delightful videos. Most can be viewed on YouTube and Vimeo.
A sampling of her video creations are below.
"Yoga On and Off the Wall"
at Regions Hospital, St Paul MN
Regions Hospital Food Production Manager, Scott Stewart, stops by our “Yoga ON and OFF the Wall” traveling exhibit to share his enthusiasm for the colorful photographs. Interviewing Scott is Vicki Hovde, art consultant of Dorsey Hovde Art Design.
Visit BreathLogic Website for
COVID-19 Breathing Tips
Laurie Ellis-Young invites you to visit our website where we
provide FREE COVID-19 Breathing Tutorials. We even have a tutorial for sleep!
Trouble Falling Asleep?
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Our BreathLogic board member, Marlene Johnson provides an easy to follow tutorial guiding you through the counts for the inhale and exhale.
2019 Minnesota Give to the Max
Fundraising for BreathLogic
Mecca Page shares her personal story
of family and business losses while emphasizing the importance of using
breath to overcome stress and anxiety.
2017 Minnesota Give to the Max
Fundraising for BreathLogic
A delightful testimonial from Dr. Verna Cornelia Price for BreathLogic's 2017 Minnesota Give To The Max fall fundraiser campaign. Over two wonderful years we partnered with Girls In Action in training
their women leaders and also the teenage girls in several high schools.
People of All Ages Share
The Importance of Breath
”Listen to People of all Ages Share Breath- taking Stories” is a collection of children,
men and women ages 8 thru 85 sharing stories of how they use their breath to manage stress and anxiety. I filmed and produced these videos for our BreathLogic marketing campaigns.
The Power of Breath
Laurie Ellis-Young MTC, SYT and Rosa Marroquin MD when interviewed by Debby Magnuson provide important information on how we can strengthen our respiratory system with useful breathing practices.
Dr. Marroquin emphatically stresses
"START NOW" with learning the practices of LOW and SLOW.
The BreathLogic co-founder, Laurie Ellis-Young enthusiastically explains the importance of including Breath Literacy into school curriculum. Laurie is so passionate about the breath that she literally jumps up and down saying THE BREATH IS AWESOME and then she accidentally falls down behind her computer. In her sweet manner gets up and says "well that was quite a graceful fall”.
Laurie jumps up and down and falls
The Power of Music
for Alzheimer's Patients
A short video of Dorothy, Lori LeBay’s mother, in the end stages of Alzheimer’s. Entertainer Barbara Lee Friedman of Music Memories demonstrates the power of music as Dorothy taps along and sings.
This has been viewed around the world over 65,000 times. was founded by Lori LaBey.
People of All Ages Share
The Importance of Breath
A website and fundraising video created for Lucrecia de Godoy’s nonprofit project Asociacion de Superacion Educativa in Guatemala City, GUA. Using 2009 technology, Julie Rains videoed and Nancy shot stills. Lucy Mathews Heegard @ Studio Lu helped to edit and produce this early YouTube video.
Jumbled Letters
A video commercial I created for our BreathLogic Benefit Concert on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at Church of the Sacred Heart in Robbinsdale, MN. The $20 ticket was a donation to support the development of our training programs and outreach to underserved communities! The concert featured folksinger Sara Thomsen and cappella singers Caritas Vocal Ensemble.
Breathe the Change
Laurie Ellis-Young Helps To Improve Lives on 5 Continents by teaching"The Power of Breath" to diverse cultures and populations. Her teachings in schools support studies documenting how breath practices improve young children's behaviors: more kindness, less bullying, greater empathy, lower stress and increased academic performance.
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